This section is devoted to our Policy as regards the Protection of Privacy. It provides you with information about the origin and use of Browsing Data collected and processed when you visit our website and explains your rights. This Policy is important for you since it allows you to have a positive experience of our services, but also for us, in that it enables us to provide precise and complete answers to your questions concerning your use of our website and to take your expectations into account. When you visit our website, Browsing Data from your Device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) can be recorded in "Cookie" files stored on your Device, depending on your Cookie settings, which you can change at any time.
a. The cookies issued by our website
Depending on the settings you have chosen, when you visit our website, we may install Cookies on your Device to enable us to recognise your Device's browser for the duration of the Cookie's validity. The Cookies we issue are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices based on the browser settings you use when you visit our website. Only the issuer of the Cookie may read or change the information contained in the Cookie concerned.
The Cookies we use allow us to:
• compile statistics and measure the traffic volume and use of the various sections of our website (headings and content visited, click-streams). This helps us to improve the user-friendliness and value of our services;
• count the total number of adverts displayed by us in our advertising spaces, identify the advertisements displayed, their respective number of displays, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, if relevant, the actions then carried out by the users on the pages linked to the advertisement. This enables us to calculate the amounts due to the different players of the advertising chain (communication agency, advertising agency, publishing site/medium) and to compile statistics;
• customise the presentation of our website to the display settings of your Device (language, screen resolution, operating system, etc.) when you visit our website, based on your device's hardware, display software and video software;
• customise our advertising spaces to the display settings of your Device (language, screen resolution, operating system, etc.) when you visit our website, based on your device's hardware, display software and video software;
• store information concerning a form that you have filled out on our website (registration or account access) or concerning products, services or information you have chosen on our website (service subscribed to, etc.) and enable you to access restricted or private spaces on our website, such as your account, based on the logins and data that you have provided previously;
. implement security measures; for example, when you are asked to log in to a service or content again after a certain period of time.
b. Third-party cookies issued on our website
Cookies may be included in the advertising spaces on our website. These advertising spaces display content from Advertisers on your Device. These spaces contribute to financing the services and content that we place at your disposal.
The issue and use of Cookies by third parties are subject to the protection of privacy policies of these third parties. We notify you about the purpose of the Cookies that are known to us and inform you about the means at your disposal for choosing whether to accept or reject Cookies.
i. Due to third-party applications integrated in our website
We may include third-party software applications on our website which allow you to share the content of our website with other people or to inform them about the pages you visited or your opinion about our website's content. This is notably the case with the "Share" and "Like" buttons from social networks such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "LinkedIn ","Viadeo", etc.
The social networks that provide these button applications may use the button to identify you, even if you have not actually used the button during your visit to our website. This type of button application may allow the social network concerned to track your Browsing on our website, if your social network account was activated on your Device (open session) when you browsed our website.
We have no control over the processes used by social networks to collect data about your visits to our website, or over any related Personal Data they may have. We invite you to read the social networks' Privacy policies in order to understand what the browsing data they collect via application buttons may be used for, particularly as regards advertising. The social networks' Privacy policies must allow you to exercise your personal choices, notably through your account settings for each network.
ii. Via third-party content in our advertising spaces
The advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) disseminated in our advertising spaces may contain Cookies issued by third parties: either the Advertiser behind the advertising content concerned, or a third-party company linked to the Advertiser (communication agency, audience measurement company, Targeted-advertising Service provider, etc.) which has included a Cookie in the Advertiser's advert.
The Cookies issued by third parties may enable them to (during the Cookie's period of validity):
• count the number of times an advert is displayed via our advertising spaces, identify the advertisements displayed and the number of users who clicked on each advertisement. This enables them to calculate the amounts due and to compile statistics;
. collect Browsing Data concerning the devices that visit our website;
• recognise your Device from previous visits to any other website or service for which these Advertisers or third parties also issue Cookies, and, if relevant, to customise these third-party websites and services
or their advertisements to the browsing data from your Device, which they may be aware of.
iii. By an external Advertising Agency using our advertising spaces
The advertising spaces on our website may be exploited by one or several external Advertising Agencies, and may contain Cookies issued by the latter. The Cookies issued by these external Advertising Agencies enable them to (during the Cookie's period of validity):
• count the total number of adverts displayed by them in our advertising spaces, identify the advertisements displayed, their respective number of displays, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, if relevant, the actions then carried out by the users on the pages linked to the advertisement. This enables them to calculate the amounts due to the different players of the advertising chain (communication agency, advertising agency, publishing site/medium) and to compile statistics;
• customise the advertising spaces they operate to the display settings of your Device (language, screen resolution, operating system, etc.) according to your device's hardware, display software and video software;
• customise the adverts displayed on your Device via our advertising spaces according to the Browsing Data from your Device on our website;
• customise advertising content displayed on your Device via our advertising spaces based on earlier or subsequent Browsing Data from your Terminal on third-party websites for which the Advertising Agency concerned issues Cookies, if the Cookies have been stored in your Device, according to the settings you have chosen for said Agency;
• customise advertising content displayed on your Device in our advertising spaces according to location data (longitude and latitude) transmitted by your Device, with your prior agreement;
• customise advertising content displayed on your Device in our advertising spaces according to Personal Data you may have provided to the Advertising Agency in question.
You can manage Cookies in several ways. The settings you choose may change your internet browsing possibilities and your access to certain services that require the use of Cookies.
At any moment, you may express or change your settings as regards Cookies in the ways described below.
a. Choices provided by your browser software
You can configure your browser to store Cookies on your Device or to refuse them, either systematically or depending on the issuer. You can also configure your browser software so that you can choose whether cookies are either accepted or refused every time a website tries to store a cookie on your device.
i. Accepting Cookies
The storage of Cookies on your Device essentially depends on the user's choice. Users can express or modify their choice of settings at any moment and free of charge using the settings provided by the browser software.
If you configure your browser software to accept cookies on your Device, the Cookies incorporated in the pages and content that you have consulted can be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your Device. They can only be read by the issuer.
ii. Refusing Cookies
If you refuse to store a Cookie on your Device, or if you delete the ones that are installed, a number of functions that are necessary for browsing certain areas of our website will no longer be available, for example access to services or content that require your login. This is also the case if, for technical accounting purposes, we -or our service providers - cannot recognise the type
of browser used by your Device, its language and display settings or the country from which your Device connects to the internet.
In this case, we decline any responsibility for any potential deterioration in the operation of our services due to the fact that we were unable to store or consult the Cookies required for their proper operation since you refused or deleted them.
iii. How to choose your settings, according to the browser you use
Each browser has a different configuration for managing Cookies and settings. This is described in the Help menu of your browser. It explains how you can change your Cookie settings.
· For Internet ExplorerTM : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
· For SafariTM : http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Safari/3.0/fr/9277.html
· For ChromeTM: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
· For FirefoxTM: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies
· For OperaTM: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
b. "Flash" cookies from "Adobe Flash Player™"
"Adobe Flash Player™" is an application that enables the rapid display of dynamic content using the "Flash" computer language. Flash (and similar applications) stores settings, preferences and content usage using a technology similar to Cookies. However, "Adobe Flash Player™" manages this information and your choices via a different interface from that provided by your browser.
If your Device is used to display content developed with Flash technology, we would ask you to consult your Flash Cookie management tools directly on the Adobe website at http://www.adobe.com/fr.
c. Your choices expressed online through inter-professional platforms
You can go to the website http://www.youronlinechoices.com, proposed by digital advertising professionals grouped together in the EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance), which is managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
Here, you will find a list of the companies which are registered on this platform and which offer you the option of refusing or accepting the cookies they use to customise the advertisements that may be displayed on your Device to your Browsing Data: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.
This European platform is shared by hundreds of advertising professionals on the internet and forms a centralised interface allowing you to refuse or accept Cookies that may be used to customise the display of advertisements to your Device's Browsing Data. Please note that this procedure will not prevent advertisements from being displayed on the internet sites that you visit. It will only block the technologies that allow advertisements to be adapted to your centres of interest.
The aim is to present you with the most relevant advertising possible. With this in mind, Cookie technology makes it possible to establish what advertisement to display on your Device in real time, based on recent Browsing on one or more internet sites.
The interest you show in the advertisements displayed on your Device when you visit a website often determines the site's advertising resources which allow it to operate its services, which are often provided free-of-charge to users. You probably prefer to see advertisements that correspond to your interests rather than ones that do not. Equally, Advertisers want to see their advertisements displayed to people who are more likely to be interested in their products or services.
If your Device is used by several people and the same Device has several browsers available, we cannot guarantee that the advertising and services aimed at your device will correspond exactly to your own use of the Device rather than that of another user.
Sharing a Device with other users and the configuration of your browser's Cookie settings is your own choice and your own responsibility.
"Cookie(s)": a file that can be stored (subject to your choices) in a dedicated area on your Device's hard-drive, when you visit an online service using your browser. A Cookie file enables the issuer to identify the Device on which it is stored, for the duration of the Cookie's validity or storage period.
"Browsing Data": information concerning a Device's connection to an electronic communication service at any given moment. We may process Browsing Data according to the conditions described in this document, even if we do not necessarily know which Device you are using, or who you are, at any given time. The browsing data notably concerns:
· the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the Device connected to the internet;
· the date and time of a Device's connection to an electronic communication service;
· the internet address (URL) of the referrer web-page of the Device accessing an electronic communication service;
· the type of operating system used by the Device (Windows, MacOs, Linux, Unix, BeOS. etc.);
· the type and version of the browser software used by the Device (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.);
· the user language of the browser software used by the Device, the login and the content of a Cookie file stored by us on the Device.
"Personal Data": information relating solely to you, at a given moment, independently of the Device you use.
"Device": the hardware (computer, tablet smartphone, telephone, etc.) that you use to visit or view a website, an application, advertising content, etc.
"Advertiser": generally designates any company or organisation that makes use of various communication techniques to promote its reputation, image, products or services.
"Advertising Agency": an entity or company that sells advertising space on behalf of one or more broadcasters: publishers of websites, mobile applications, etc.
Advertising Agencies may:
· design advertising campaigns that earn money for the Broadcaster and themselves and which provide increased efficiency for the Advertiser;
· implement technological solutions and partnerships to collect information about the Browsing and/or location of a particular Device (computer, smartphone, etc.) via a single or several thousand platforms used for disseminating advertisements (websites, mobile service platforms, mobile applications) for which they are the direct or indirect intermediaries.
"Publisher/Broadcaster": the content publishing platform (website, mobile website, or mobile application) which has advertising space for which it seeks to gain remuneration in the best possible conditions (financial and ergonomic) by inserting advertising content to finance its activities, notably the publishing of services and content or information (e.g.: online press).
In order to promote its advertising spaces and optimise its earnings from these spaces, the Publisher must be able to justify it has a certain audience, in order to fill its spaces with advertising content adapted to that audience. The Publisher may use one or more Advertising Agencies to promote its spaces. These Advertising Agencies may implement counting systems and (when they have them) systems for customising the advertising content they will display or disseminate on the Publisher's website, in the advertising spaces they market to Advertisers.
"Targeted-advertising Service Provider": a company that uses technologies - notably Cookies and/or algorithms for calculating probability or predisposition - in order to help an Advertising Agency, Advertiser or Communication Agency to establish which advertisement is most suited to a Device's Browsing Data or a User's Personal Data, based on the information it processes or which it is given by one of the aforementioned players.
"Targeted Advertising": the customisation of advertising content according to Browsing Data or Personal Data.
"Behavioural Advertising": advertising which involves making deductions about users' interests based on their Device's Browsing Data on one or more services, in order to display advertisements that are specifically customised to potentially interest them more than other advertisements.
The implementation of this type of advertising depends, firstly, on the technologies used and the companies that implement them and, secondly, on the availability (or not) of a Cookie from a Device and the ability to share such a Cookie with third parties.
"Personalised Advertising": advertisements chosen according to the known characteristics of a user (age, gender, contact details, etc.), which the user has provided by subscribing to a service, for example.
This type of advertising can be implemented using information provided by a user which does not actually identify the person (age, gender, tastes, interests) or by processing Personal Data. In the latter case, pursuant to regulations concerning the Protection of Personal Data, the implementation of such advertising requires that, when users provide their Personal Data, they must be informed about the purposes for which the information may be used, notably the customisation of advertising content that may be displayed to them.