GL events business activities are conducted with integrity and in compliance with French and international standards concerning ethics and compliance.
With this in mind, GL events has implemented a wide-ranging ethics and compliance programme:
1 - Ethic Charter
2 - Prevention of corruption and influence peddling
3 - Third-party relations
Four values
Through this charter, GL events aims to promote essential values for conducting business in the Group, both in France and around the world.
These values are:
- Pioneering spirit, to encourage each employee at GL events to take initiative and responsibility,
- Imagination, to combine audacity and innovative solutions to meet our customers’ needs,
- Respect, as regards all the stakeholders who interact with GL events,
- Group mindset, to ensure everyone at GL events acts with integrity and loyalty in the common interest of the Group.
Ten principles
This Charter sets out ten essential principles that structure our initiatives and guide how we conduct our business and projects in all the countries where the group operates, either for occasional events or through a permanent office.
The role of the governance bodies is to monitor and support the implementation of the Ethics Charter.
GL events has implemented a programme to combat corruption and influence peddling, in line with the provisions of the French Act of 9 December 2016 (known as the SAPIN 2 Act).
This programme is based primarily on the following tools and actions:
- The Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, drawn directly from the document proposed by Middlenext. The Code specifies every type of prohibited conduct, and the practical rules that are to be applied by all GL events employees. Finally, the Code gives a summary of the various training courses, alert procedures and sanctions.
- A specific email address has been set up to report any alerts: [email protected]
- An Ethics Committee has been set up to manage alerts relating to corruption, influence peddling and any other matter in relation to the Group’s Ethics Charter.
The Ethics Committee is responsible for the following:
- Receiving ethics alerts, in particular those relating to the prevention of corruption and influence peddling,
- Dealing with ethics alerts by conducting the necessary investigations, within the requisite deadlines, and scrupulously ensuring the protection of the whistle-blowers,
- Sending regular reports to the Chairman and CEO of GL events and the Group’s Board of Directors, according to the needs identified.
In addition, according to the needs, the Ethics Committee interacts with the Ethics Officer, in order to adapt the operational training courses and prevention schemes. The operating rules of the Ethics Committee are defined in a specific Charter, expressly accepted by each of the members.
- An Ethics Officer has been appointed to fulfil the following missions:
- To contribute to and ensure the effective implementation of tangible actions aimed at preventing corruption and influence peddling,
- To ensure the deployment of international and internal legal requirements and standards,
- To ensure that personnel who are exposed to risks are appropriately trained,
- To contribute to coordinating the network of Ethics Correspondents working in the operational entities in France and abroad.
Ms Patricia SADOINE is the Ethics Officer of GL events. Ms Patricia SADOINE is also the Corporate Legal Director of GL events.
As regards third parties who may be involved in working with the Group, its subsidiaries and employees, GL events undertakes to follow a set of rules of conduct that comply with accepted practices and standards.
As such, GL events has established a Code of Business Conduct, specifically aimed at governing its relations with third parties.
GL events aims to promote relationships with third parties (whether they be public entities, public or private service providers, or commercial partners) based on respect.
GL events seeks to establish relations with all stakeholders based on loyalty, integrity, confidentiality, and all the values required to ensure respect for people and the environment.